Remember: Your high school must approve your enrollment. Your high school will receive information about the courses you have signed up for. If your school does not approve classes, they will be removed from your schedule. Double Credit Agreement Form for Students and Parents/Guardians Send the required agreement form to any NJC admissions office within five business days of completing the NJC application. If you are 18 years of age or older, you must sign the form for yourself. CNM may deduct you from your courses if this form has not been returned to CNM Admissions within five (5) business days of admission. All printed forms must be clear, legible and printed on white paper. The charter school and all other students in the school district must print a copy of your schedule from your myCNM account. Bring your printed schedule and textbook fee form (get the fee form from your high school trustee) to a CNM bookstore to pick up the required textbooks. If you need general information about the application process, please see Getting Started at CNM. You can also access specific application information depending on the type of student (transfer, international, etc.) via the navigation of this page. * Dual credit students only pay course fees and uniform costs (if required). including digital textbooks – Students must check their schedule in their myCNM student account for the included bookstore fees.

If you have these fees in your account, you do not have to pay them if your high school covers the cost of textbooks (applies to public and charter high school students). includED is a program that automatically makes the desired book available to the student electronically on the first day of class. Note: Please allow 3-4 business days for our admissions team to process your application. After processing, you will receive an email with your CNM information. If you do not receive anything after 4 business days, please call us at (505) 224-3352. Students attending a regular APS high school or the school of their choice must complete the online form: Where is my textbook? and library services will respond with the status of their textbooks. For more information, see the APS website. Consult the Curriculum section of the Program Information and Special Requirements Catalogue.

Note: Please wait until you have your NJC student number to submit your consent form. All information contained in the form must be completed to ensure timely processing. Students are considered for admission to the NJC regardless of gender, race, colour, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation or marital status. Visit the Visit the NJC page to find the campus and building where your classes will take place. Note: There is an alternative to the Accuplacer placement exam (read-only). The Directed Self-Placement Tool (DSP) does not require an appointment, can be made from a student`s phone or other online device, and is an alternative to the Accuplacer reading assessment. Students who need a placement score in mathematics will still need to pass the math part of the Accuplacer. The School of Adult & General Education (SAGE) offers free tutoring courses and courses to students to prepare for their GED exams, improve their English as a second language, explore professional majors, and prepare for their college-level courses. Homeschooled students are responsible for the cost of textbooks.

Submit your official ACT or SAT results. If you don`t have them, the Accuplacer placement exam is a free option for you. The Accuplacer is currently offered remotely or on the NJC`s main campus. Exams must be scheduled in advance. You will need your NJC student number and photo ID to take the exam. It is recommended that you meet with an academic coach to discuss your course placement options. You can make an appointment online. Be sure to bring your ACT or SAT scores or take the Accuplacer placement exam before your appointment. Contact Kelli Gallardo at (505) 224-4000 ext. 51878 or by email The WORKforce Training Center helps companies, professional associations, and government agencies develop and implement programs that increase productivity and profitability.

SSLC students who have reached Grade 10 and have good academic performance are eligible for the dual enrolment program. Dual enrolment allows students to simultaneously earn high school and college credits for courses taken at the NJC while they are still in high school. State funding offers our students these opportunities virtually free of charge. CNM offers a wide range of courses and a wide range of opportunities to explore hundreds of academic and professional fields and industries, including medicine, technical crafts, business, services, criminal justice, law and many more. Since the school opened, SSLC students have benefited from and enrolled in thousands of CNM and UNM courses. Many graduated from high school with their first year or two of university. Some students even graduated from high school with an associate`s degree or certificate. If you are ready to apply now, you can access the app below. Certificate/Diploma status is for students who wish to obtain a diploma or certificate at the NJC and who have officially declared a major subject (curriculum). Tutorial de Solicitud de Estudiante de Crédito Dual The non-degree status is for students who do not intend to obtain a diploma or certificate at the CNM. As a non-degree student, you can: Second-year, junior, and senior students from any public, private, or homeschool in the Greater Albuquerque area quickly begin their college education by attending courses at level 1000 and above at the CNM — and tuition and enrollment fees are waived! Complete the orientation of the new student. Dual credit students must complete the online orientation.

You will be asked to enter your first name, last name, NJC student number and date of birth to begin orientation. You must complete the dual-credit online orientation before attempting to enroll in a course. QUICK TIP: Please do not perform any of the following steps until you have your CNM student number. an email or call us at (505) 224-3352. Individuals may be denied admission to the NJC, enrolment in courses and/or programs, and participation in certain NJC-sponsored activities if it is determined that such access is likely to pose a serious threat to the safety of the applicant and/or members of the NJC community. Such a decision would be made on a case-by-case basis by a review committee headed by the Dean of Studies. Watch the guide How to Access Your Dual Credit Manual and the Video How to Access Your Dual Credit Manual. Bring a copy of your schedule and a state ID card or driver`s license to the CNM Identification Office to receive your CNM student ID. If you don`t have any of the above, bring a copy of your schedule and a high school ID. Students without a state ID card or driver`s license may need to have their enrollment confirmed.

Identification must be with you when you are on campus. Private students will check with your advisor, as your school may be paying for your textbooks. The steps to become a dual-credit student submit a free online application. Be sure to select “Double Credit” as the student type. After applying, you will receive a CNM student number or a number will be sent to you by e-mail. Non-credit courses and programs offer adult skills development and literacy (including English as a second language and GED preparation) in a variety of settings, but do not receive traditional college credits. Check out our non-credit CNM Ingenuity courses on Unmudl without applying for university admission…