License agreements describe the rights and obligations of a party in relation to the use and exploitation of intellectual property developed at the University. University licensing agreements stipulate that the licensee must carefully seek to commercially exploit the intellectual property for the public good and provide the university with a reasonable return. By choosing the open access option, you allow anyone in the world to see your submission. You can apply one of the many Creative Commons licenses to your submission, which are explained on the submission form and FAQ. These licenses allow you to set your own terms of use for anyone accessing the submission. You authorize Durham University to distribute your Content under the terms of this Creative Commons License and to allow users of collections to do the same if your choice of license permits. If you do not opt for a license, you grant Durham University the non-exclusive right to distribute your submission (including metadata and abstracts) worldwide in any format or medium solely for related non-commercial, research, educational or academic purposes. You also authorize Durham University to allow users of the Repository to distribute your submission (including metadata and abstracts) worldwide in any format or medium solely for non-commercial, research, educational or academic purposes. Durham University will uniquely identify your name as the author(s) or owner of the Submission and will not make any changes to your Submission except as permitted by this License. The decision to license a technology to a potential licensee is usually a joint decision of the OTC licensing professional and the inventor(s).

Our main goal is to ensure that the licensed invention is carefully developed, marketed and marketed by our partner for the benefit of the public. Therefore, all license agreements, especially those that are exclusive, contain milestones to verify that the licensee diligently pursues the commercialization of the invention. New students are guaranteed first-year housing and they don`t have to do anything about accommodation until the A-level results are published. Students who confirm their place will receive the appropriate accommodation forms to complete, followed by an online license agreement that must be signed prior to your arrival to secure your accommodation. I. No Warranties; Limitation of Liability: The University assumes no responsibility for the suitability, merchantability, validity of patent rights, etc. Licensee assumes all risks associated with the Licensed Technology. If the Submission contains material for which you do not own copyright and which goes beyond fair dealing, you represent that you have obtained unlimited permission from the copyright owner to grant Durham University the rights required by this license and that such material in the possession of third parties is clearly identified and acknowledged in the text or content of the Submission. C. Financial Considerations: Depending on the type of invention licensed, the financial consideration may include: Duke University, along with many other technology transfer offices at the university, has supported the list of elements to be considered in licensing by the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). By clicking on this license, you grant Durham University the non-exclusive right to reproduce and/or distribute your submission (including metadata and abstracts) to students, faculty, staff and walk-in users of Durham University Libraries in any format or medium for non-commercial purposes, related research, educational or academic. If you have limited access to certain individuals or groups, Durham University will ONLY distribute your submission to those users.

You also authorize Durham University to allow users of the Durham University Community Repository to distribute your Submission (including metadata and abstracts) in any format or medium for Durham University`s related internal non-commercial, research, educational or academic purposes. Durham University will uniquely identify your name as the author(s) or owner of the Submission and will not make any changes to your Submission except as permitted by this License. K. Term and Termination: This article provides for the duration of the agreement (usually the term of licensed patents or, for other technologies, a defined period) and the termination of the agreement by both parties. In general, the licensee can terminate the license by giving the university a certain period of notice, while the university can only terminate for violation (e.g. B non-payment of royalties or patent costs, milestone payments or failure to comply with due diligence). In the event of termination, sublicensees or sublicensees may obtain a direct license from the university under essentially the same conditions. Remember to include your booking id in all correspondence with In order to properly manage this repository and preserve the content of the collections for future use, Durham University (Durham University) requires certain permissions from you, the author or copyright holder.

By accepting this license, you are not waiving copyright in your work. You do not waive the right to submit the work to publishers or other repositories. You grant Durham University the non-exclusive right to store your work. You agree that Durham University may translate the Submission into any medium or format and retain more than one copy for the purposes of security, security and long-term preservation of the scientific record. Durham University will not make any changes to your submission except as permitted by this license. When you submit your file(s), you have the option to choose the level of visibility on the web that controls who can access your documents. Specific license terms apply to each level of visibility: A. Definitions: This section may be the most important and includes the definition of the technology/patent rights to be licensed, the area of use in which the licensee may sell the technology, and the geographic scope of the license rights. .

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