“Here you have a choice: either sign your life in Arasaka to place your spirit in Mikoshi until you can possibly be brought back later, or they reject their offer and return to Earth knowing that you will soon die. If you let Johnny take your body, he will return to Earth and you can explore some final mini-quests with him as a V. He, too, will eventually leave Night City in search of his own new beginning. This is another good option for those looking for a resolution. The selection does not affect the gameplay. This only affects the cinematics you get just before the credits. It can probably be assumed that signing the contract is a bad end, as it means surviving, even if it means turning into data and becoming the property of Arasaka. Ending Description: In Devil Ending, you help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka. You will land on a space station where doctors will perform experimental surgery on you because you have suffered serious head injuries. Then you can decide to participate in their medical program and ask them to archive your mind or return to Earth, but die of your wounds within a few months. V will also open a Rubik`s cube at the end and find the image of a devil, which the end of “The Devil” refers to. Once you`ve done all that, you can explore all the possible endings of Cyberpunk 2077 below.

However, it should be noted that whichever ending you choose, you will always return to Night City to continue playing to the point before starting the OP55N1 Night Mission, although with end-based rewards that we will not spoil. Notably, there`s another variable that fans can control in this Cyberpunk 2077 quest, and it revolves around the character on the space station. That is, if a player saves Takemura during the search and destroy mission from the beginning of the game, then he will be the one to hand over the contract to V. However, if they failed to keep Takemura alive, then Anders Hellman will be the one to describe the document in detail. V will return home to Earth. Where he will spend the rest of his days alive. While this choice is significant in character, it is purely personal, as it essentially only changes the last kinematics you receive soon after, which shows that V abandons his mind or returns to Earth. Signing the contract guarantees V that he lives in one way or another, but also means that he literally sells his soul to Arasaka. His body will die, but his spirit will be restrained by Arasaka and perhaps placed in a body that he can use in the future. There are many ways to get off to a good start in Cyberpunk 2077, but no way to get a good clean ending. With so much uncertainty about signing the contract, V`s fate is death if he rejects the contract, but it`s a fate over which players can have some control. After that, you find Yorinobu, talk to him and then leave him in Hanako`s clutches.

Hellman takes you to Mikoshi, where you enter cyberspace and find Johnny, who is seriously unhappy with you. You`ll talk to him for a long time, and you`ll go back into your body and leave Johnny with old stuff. You must decide not to give Asaka your “soul” after breaking the Rubik`s cube and decide to return to Earth. Once you are close to the exercise, make sure Mitch returns to the Alvecaldos in the Basilisk. Don`t worry, he survives the ride. You will then use the drill to dig a tunnel to Arasaka with Saul and Panam. In particular, players must decide whether to sign a contract and transfer V`s spirit into a chip or refuse to sign and return to Earth. Before making that decision, some Cyberpunk 2077 fans may want to better understand these two options, and this guide seems to offer just that. There are a lot of “ifs” suspended in the air and none of them are resolved before the credits if the players accept the contract.

All players can see is that V goes down to be investigated later, hoping the company can find a cure for the problem. How to save Takemura? There is no way to return to the building. I found the stairs and they led to a closed door. All the signs point to the outside checkpoint that will take you to the next part of the story. The Panam path is not available by default. To unlock this option, you must first complete all panam missions, including the “Queen of the Highway” side work. When you`ve ticked all the boxes, you`ll have to call the nomads when you make your fateful choice on the roof after Cyberpunk 2077`s point of no return. However, the big advantage of the contract is that players can live as one of the “ifs”. There are a few satisfying side quests in the game and this ending is hardly guaranteed, but there is some certainty that V could be cured.
